TerraGo Edge version 4.1 and any app built with TerraGo Magic now include new advanced mobile mapping features to help field users locate an asset in challenging terrain or quickly navigate to a new project location. Learn more on how to turn on and utilize these features below.
Navigation & Guidance:
When a user edits a note, the Location tab of the selected note displays a Navigation button on the bottom left corner. This button when pressed opens the map displaying the directions from the user's current location to the selected note’s point location. Upon pressing the Guidance button on the top left corner of the screen, the guidance screen opens which will display a straight line between the user's current location and the note’s point location. Also the distance and direction from your current point is displayed.
When a user enters the close proximity area (when the Proximity alert button is toggled on), a proximity alert message with sound and vibration is displayed for 3 seconds. When the user is in the close proximity, the line, distance, and direction are displayed in green color, after which it changes to blue when the user leaves the close proximity area.
The user can view the navigation and guidance to a note's point location by pressing the Show navigation and Show guidance options available in the Note's settings icon in the Notes list view. In the Notes tab view, the user can press the Navigation and Guidance icons.
Location Settings:
The Proximity alert button when toggled on, will display a proximity alert message with sound and vibration when the user enters the close proximity area, which is when the user’s current distance from the selected note's location point is less than or equal to the defined proximity distance.
Proximity alert distance: This proximity alert distance setting, where the close proximity alert distance can be specified, is displayed when the Proximity alert button is toggled on. By default, the alert distance is set to 5. Based on the distance specified here, an alert saying “You’re almost there” is displayed to the user for 3 seconds when the user’s current distance is less than or equal to the defined proximity distance from the selected note's location point. When the user is in the close proximity area, the line, distance, and direction are displayed in green color, after which it changes to blue when the user leaves the close proximity area. The alert message can be dismissed by pressing the Dismiss button. You can change the proximity alert distance by pressing the Settings button in the alert message.
See new features in action in this tutorial video