Can I use a form field to name a Note via QuickNote?

One of the features of 3.9.6 is to allow you to designate a form field to use as the default Note name when utilizing the QuickNote feature.   Other naming options include Default Name, Custom Name, and Form Name.

To access this functionality please: 

1.  Navigate to the Notebooks tab.

2.  Click the gear symbol next to your NoteBook of choice.

3.  Click Edit.

4. Click the Form Templates tab in the Notebook Attachments section.

5.  Turn on the Enable QuickNote Form button.

6.  Select the Form group you would like to use from the left hand side of the dialog.

7.  Select which form in that group you would like to utilize from the drop down menu titled Choose QuickNote form.

8.  In the Choose Note Name type dialog that appears please select any of the naming options available

  • Default Name: This will assign a system default title.
  • Custom Name: will allow you to type in a personalized Note name.
  • Form Name will take the default title of the Form selected.
  • Form Field will allow you to specify a particular field in the form to use for your individual form names.  If Form Field is selected you will be asked to specify a particular field in the second drop down box.


9.  Click Save to complete the customization of your QuickNote feature.


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